
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Proffesor At UCLA Calls For Revolution In California

Follow this link to see what our government allows to occur in our country.

Take Action!
Tell Your Senators You Oppose the "Dream Act."
Take the Pledge to Vote Against Congressmen and Senators who vote for Amnesty!
Use these in-State Telephone Numbers to Keep the Pressure on Both Your Senators!
Demand a President pardon for Ramos & Compean!
Turn in an employer who hires illegal aliens. If there are no jobs; illegal aliens will go home

1 comment:

godshammer54 said...

The video above shows a Mexican UCLA college "professor" preaching the overthrow of the United States. But Senator Dick Durbin promises to pass his so-called "Dream Act' that gives preferential college tuition rates to illegal aliens while American families have to pay ten times more for college:

more revolutionaries against America: