
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Gutierrez Amnesty Would Destroy our Country

Congressman Luis Gutierrez has introduced a bill (H.R.1645) designed to give amnesty to twenty million illegal aliens. The bill is even worse than the Senate bill because it rolls back the few immigration controls put in place by last year’s Congress. And the only thing that will stop this bill from being passed is you. I am not being overly dramatic. It’s the truth. The American people are united in their opposition to this outrage, but unless they get aroused, TODAY, and contact their Representatives, the America you and I love will be lost forever. I have said this before and it is worth repeating. Those twenty million illegal aliens who receive amnesty will be able to bring in their entire families – so multiply the twenty million by at least five and the true number of people who will become citizens grows to as many as 100-200 million uneducated, impoverished, Spanish-speaking, non-assimilating Mexicans! This number of people will instantly bankrupt our welfare system; empty the Social Security Trust Fund; clog our highways; fill prisons; and destroy our language, culture and American way of life. And this bill is moving on a fast track! I need your help today to convince all those House members who fought and killed the Senate’s amnesty bill last year to hold fast and refuse to cave in to the tremendous pressure being put upon them by the multinational corporations, their party’s own leadership, and even the President.
In a nutshell, the Gutierrez bill is designed to let any illegal alien become an American citizen by paying a “fine” of $2000 to the U.S. government. In exchange for the two thousand bucks, they will be rewarded with a treasure trove of benefits. In his zeal to grant blanket amnesty to every illegal alien, Gutierrez has eliminated virtually all the checks and balances designed to keep criminals, drug smugglers, child predators, rapists and terrorists out of our country. Under his bill, the most questionable forms of identification will be accepted. To become a citizen, illegal aliens would have to pay $2,000; pass a minimal background check; pay some of the income taxes they chose not to pay while working illegally, and learn some English.
Can you believe Congressmen sworn to uphold the Constitution would do this to their own country?
Well, here's your chance to tell your representative what you think about the Gutierrez bill and anybody who would vote for it.
All you have to do to play a dramatic role in saving your country is to click on the Take Action button to send an instant email alert to your Representative.
The email to your Representative is pre-written for your convenience. But if you want to take the time to put it into your own words, please do so.
Consider what a couple of hundred MILLION non-English speaking, unskilled and penniless Mexicans will do to our country, especially when it appears America may be drifting towards a recession and Social Security is already in trouble.
So please send your email today. Thank you!Edward I Nelson Chairman U.S. Border Control 8180 Greensboro Drive #1070McLean, VA 22102

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